Calls in Morocco for Banning Movie for propagating acts ‘against the nature...

Calls in Morocco for Banning Movie for propagating acts ‘against the nature of human beings’


The Justice and Development Party, who led the previous two governmental coalitions, has publicly denounced the screening in Morocco of “Le Bleu Du Caftan,” a movie, they stated, propagates deviant sexual behaviors that are ‘against the nature of human beings’.

In a recent statement, the General Secretariat of the Justice and Development Party criticized the decision to permit said movie to be broadcast in cinemas. The statement, issued during their weekly meeting, contended that such a screening starkly breaches the religious, moral, and educational norms and values of the predominant Moroccan Muslim people.

They invoked legislation, adopted in May 2015, to block the screening of “Much Loved: Zine Li Fik”, a movie that involved same-sex relationships, claiming it was produced by a group well-known for its manoeuvers against the country’s established norms and values.

The PJD said they are expressing their respect for Moroccan artists who refuse to participate in projects that are “damaging to societal identity and the structure of the Moroccan family,” and encouraged them “to counter projects that they perceive tarnish the elegant nature of arts.”

Furthermore, the statement called upon relevant authorities to intervene in order to combat what they believe to be “ongoing attempts to normalize this ‘aberrant phenomenon’ and its potential spread within Moroccan society.”

The PJD warned of the increasing dangers associated with some Western groups’ schemes “to disrupt family structures internationally.”

The Moroccan Times.