Significant Decline in Marriage Rates in Morocco

Significant Decline in Marriage Rates in Morocco


Morocco is witnessing a concerning shift in the rate of marriage, with official statistics indicating a significant decline in the number of marriages, contrasted by a noticeable increase in divorce cases over the last 15 years.

The High Commission for Planning revealed in a shocking report that marriage contracts decreased in 2022 to 251,000, down from 269,000 in 2021. In 2019, 275,000 marriage contracts were signed, according to the Commission’s latest report on social indicators in Morocco.

The number of marriage contracts signed in 2008 was 307,000, indicating a widespread decrease in marriage rates over the past 15 years.

As for divorce rates, the same report stated that divorce contracts reached 88,000 cases in 2022, while in 2008, there were approximately 55,000 divorce cases.