Every Moroccan Consumes 35 kilograms of Sugar per Year

Every Moroccan Consumes 35 kilograms of Sugar per Year


According to the leading sugar producer, Cosumar, Moroccan sugar is considered the cheapest and of the highest quality in the world. Since 2006, its price has been stable, and the company has shown it is willing to positively engage with any governmental actions regarding ending sugar subsidies.

The firm stated at a seminar, attended by chairman Hassan Munir, that as a specialized sugar producer, Cosumar supplies the domestic market with 1.2 million tons annually, averaging 35 kilograms per person.

Hassan Munir highlighted the stable prices of sugar in Morocco, with only a 1% increase in recent years. He emphasized that Moroccan sugar is globally distributed and is among the best worldwide. Munir further explained that Moroccan sugar is the cheapest globally compared to neighboring countries while maintaining its superior quality.

Munir pointed out that the sugar industry is subsidized and monitored by the state, declaring that sugar prices have remained unchanged for 20 years. Munir highlighted the latest increase of only 1% due to a review of the value-added tax rate.

According to the same source, in total, Cosumar produced 224,000 tons of white sugar last season, compared to 321,000 tons in 2022. Profits fell by a minor 1.9%, and the company’s investments amounted to 242 million dirhams. The company provides direct jobs for more than 1,300 people and indirect jobs for over 5,000, greatly contributing to social and economic development in the area where it operates.

Hassan Munir also stressed that Moroccan sugar substantially improves the lives of more than 40,000 farmers and their families.

He noted that through an investment program exceeding 10 billion dirhams, Cosumar continues to innovate and make great progress in the field of research and development.