14.1 C
Casablanca, Morocco
Tags Benkirane

Tag: Benkirane

Head of the Independance Party Hamid Chabat: Benkirane’s Party Finances...

Al Istiqlal party’s General Secretary, Hamid Chabat, said in a video released today leading Moroccan political party  Justice and Development (PJD), which Morocco’s head...

Managing Vs Leading

  I remember my first work experience where I kept describing my supervisor as a leader. I remember his upset face while repeating that he...

Moroccan Prime Minister Benkirane Hosted U.S.A Secretary of State John Kerry...

Moroccan Prime Minister Mr.Abdeliah Benkirane, joined by Foreign Affairs Minister Mr.Mezouar, hosted yesterday U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and fellow U.S. officials for...