19.1 C
Casablanca, Morocco
Tags Import

Tag: import

Moroccan Customs Administration Provides Details on Tax Exemption for Imported Agricultural...

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- The Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes (well-known under its French acronym ADII) in Morocco has issued a circular clarifying the...

Sbai Urges King Mohammed VI to Sack Haite and Return the...

Rabat, Morocco(TMT)- On the sidelines of the growing fury witnessed in Morocco following the Moroccan authorities importing 2500 tons of deemed highly toxic garbage from Italy, garbage...

Moroccan foreign exchange reserves to only cover 4 months and 10...

The Moroccan Office of Exchange General Director, Mr Jawad Hamri, declared, on Wednesday, that the Moroccan Foreign exchange reserves can pay for no more than...