17 C
Casablanca, Morocco
Tags Jail

Tag: jail

Morocco’s Minister of Justice: I Don’t Mind People Breaking the Fast...

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- Morocco's Minister of Justice and Liberties, Mustapha Ramid said in the wake of the "Forum of Dignity," an event where he was...

Moroccan Gendarme Jailed for Denouncing Corruption

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)-A statement from the Moroccan Centre for Human Rights said that a young Moroccan gendarme was taken to jail after he denounced rampant...

Former Minister: “All of Morocco’s Youth Will Be Jailed If the...

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- In an interview given to the Moroccan daily Akhbar Al Yaoum, the former Moroccan Minister of Solidarity, Women, Family, and Social Development, Ms. Nouzha Skalli said...