18 C
Casablanca, Morocco
Tags Rate

Tag: rate

Dams Filling Rate Between 23% and 100% in Morocco’s Northern Region

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- The filling rate of Morocco's northern region dams is oscillating between 23% and 100%, said the the Moroccan Agence Hydraulique Du Basin Du Loukkos. The...

Criminality Rate in Morocco Decreased By 4% in 2015

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)-Morocco's Interior Minister Mohamed Hassad said yesterday while speaking before the House of Representatives in the Moroccan Parliament that criminality rate in...

Morocco: House Of Representatives Adopts A Draft for the Finance Law...

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- The House of Representatives of the Moroccan parliament adopted on Monday by majority (170 voted for the motion while 52 voted against...