Faouzi Benzarti Leaves Raja of Casablanca

Faouzi Benzarti Leaves Raja of Casablanca



Faouzi Benzarti will no longer be the coach of the Raja of Casablanca (RCA) next season, as relayed by the official site of the team’s supporters.

According to the same website dimadimaraja.com, Tunisian coach of the Raja of Casablanca, who failed to win the title and insure a direct qualification to the Mondialito, Mr. Benzarti is on the verge of leaving the team.

The same coach who was able to reach the final game against FC Bayern Munich in the Clubs World cup that was hosted in Morocco, has asked for a salary increase that the team top-leaders do not want to grant.

The same source adds that Raja has even started looking for a successor to the Tunisian coach.

The Moroccan Times.