Fresh Report: Casablanca Buildings Collapse Death Toll Reaches 15 including a Moroccan...

Fresh Report: Casablanca Buildings Collapse Death Toll Reaches 15 including a Moroccan Artist

Casablanca buildings collapse death toll at 13
Casablanca buildings collapse death toll at 13

The number of casualties related to the collapse of the 3 buildings in the Borgoune neighborhood of Casablanca has increased to 15 this Sunday, as relayed by the Moroccan authorities.

Just this morning, seven more bodies were recovered from the rubble.

Among this morning’s casualties are two children and the Moroccan actress Amal Maarouf and her mother, La MAP reported.

 Moroccan actress Amal Maarouf's body was Recovered from the Rubble this sunday
Moroccan actress Amal Maarouf’s lifeless body was Recovered from the Rubble this Sunday

The search for survivors is still underway, where there might be more people buried under the rubble.

Preliminary investigation results suggest that the cause of the collapse may be related to some restoration works that were tacking place in one of the buildings.

The Moroccan Times.