Two More Latin American Countries Recall Israel Envoys over Gaza

Two More Latin American Countries Recall Israel Envoys over Gaza

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.

Israel’s bilateral relations with Latin American countries continue to deteriorate. Two weeks after Brazil and Ecuador announced that they recalled Israel envoys to protest against the war in Gaza, Chile and Peru announced that they are doing the same.

The Chilean foreign ministry issued the following statement: “In the face of intensifying Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip, the government of Chile — in coordination with other administrations in the region — has resolved to recall the Chilean ambassador in Tel Aviv, Jorge Montero, to Santiago for consultations.”

A similar statement was also issued by the Foreign Ministry of Peru, condemning Israel’s operation in Gaza.

Venezuela and Bolivia cut their ties with Israel in 2009 over its war on Gaza. They have also strongly condemned Israel’s operation on the strip of Gaza.

Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Venezuela were among the countries that voted in favour of a probe by the UN Human Rights Council into Israel’s war crimes.

So far, Israel’s operations have caused the death of more than 1200 civilians in Gaza, including almost 200 kids.

The Moroccan Times.