So-Called “Pious and Bearded Muslim” Sodomizes 14-year-old Girl After Marrying Her With...

So-Called “Pious and Bearded Muslim” Sodomizes 14-year-old Girl After Marrying Her With “Fatiha”

Image From Archive.
Image From Archive.

Rabat, Morocco- A so-called “pious man,” who let grow a long beard, was presented to court last week after sexually abusing his 2 wives in the tiny Moroccan pocket of land Mejjat, located in the province of Chichaoua. He used to sodomize both wives, and even caused both victims to suffer severe anal fissures as a result of such practices.

The plaintiffs include the man’s first wife, a 24-year-old handicap, while the second wife, a 14-year-old girl, who married the man with the Fatiha (Marriage without contract, only by reciting the initial Sura of the Holy Quran, the Fatiha), has taken the case to court after he tore up the skin of her anal canal while sexually abusing her, “causing her an unparalleled pain,” she told the authorities.

The so-called pious man, who let his beard grow to give the impression that “he is a good believer,” was arrested last week by the Royal Gendarmerie in Mejjat.

As a matter of fact, it is thanks to the 14-year-old girl that the case went public, especially that the first wife was a handicap and could not leave the man’s farm without assistance. More than that, the bearded man prohibited his wives from going out.

Fortunately, the youngest one successfully run away to the nearest police station, taking advantage of the absence of the husband, to lodge a complaint.

The young minor told the Royal Gendarmerie that she was subjected to “non natural” sexual relations, causing her excruciating pain, which lead the authorities to intervene on the fly to arrest the criminal.

The Moroccan Times.