Moroccan MP Calls for Action on Stray Dog Issue

Moroccan MP Calls for Action on Stray Dog Issue

Stray dogs in Morocco. Image from archive.

Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- Moroccan parliament member, Nzaha Maqad, is urging the Minister of Interior to take action to address the growing issue of stray dogs in all urban and rural areas of Morocco.

Maqad emphasized the serious health and safety risks posed by these dogs and the spread of infectious diseases. She stressed the importance of providing modern facilities and emergency treatment for individuals who are attacked by these dogs.

While Maqad acknowledged that it is the responsibility of municipalities and health authorities to combat the problem of stray dogs, she also emphasized the need for public sectors and territorial communities to cooperate.

Maqad suggested using scientifically proven methods such as surgical sterilization and vaccination to combat the problem.

“The issue of stray dogs in Morocco has become increasingly urgent, and it is essential that action is taken to protect citizens from the potential harm caused by these animals,” Maqdad said.

The Moroccan Times.