Democratic Confederation of Labor Calls for Nationwide Protest in Morocco

Democratic Confederation of Labor Calls for Nationwide Protest in Morocco


Rabat, Morocco (TMT)- The Democratic Confederation of Labor has declared that a nationwide protest march will take place in Casablanca on June 4th, urging citizens to participate actively.

The confederation said the demonstration is a response to the ongoing social unrest in Morocco, which has been sparked by the government’s political, economic, and social decisions. “The government has persisted in reducing the purchasing power of citizens and has avoided fulfilling its social obligations,” a statement read.

“The protest is also a result of the government’s failure to implement a general wage increase, its plan to cut retirement benefits, refusal to review income tax rates, create a new grade, respect union freedoms, and resolve social conflicts, among other demands made by the central labor union,” it read further.

The confederation said it has warned the government that “the situation is unbearable, and it must take exceptional measures to address the soaring cost of living and meet the expectations of workers and citizens.”

It also stressed that it “is calling on the government to honor its commitments to the working class and employees, particularly by respecting union freedoms, improving income, protecting purchasing power, resolving social conflicts, and avoiding interfering with retirement benefits.”

The Moroccan Times.