Vigilantism on Engineer Who Brought Girlfriend Home

Vigilantism on Engineer Who Brought Girlfriend Home

Video Screen Grabs of the assault.

Vigilantism, a scenario where civilians undertake law enforcement without legal authority, is once again in the spotlight following a recent incident.

A deeply troubling video began circulating on social media platforms last Thursday, revealing an individual undergoing a physical assault. According to the details inferred from the video, the victim is a young engineer based in Rabat, the capital. As he was reportedly trying to enter his apartment located in Yakoub Al Mansour, accompanied by a female friend, he was confronted by several building residents. They argued it was illegal for him to share his bed with a woman who was not his wife.

The engineer insisted it is his right to host whoever he wants inside his apartment. His confrontational stance, however, seemingly incited the neighbors to physically assaulted him in a highly offensive manner.

The local authorities have confirmed in a statement that an investigation into the disturbing video is currently underway.

The response on social media to the assault varied significantly. While a majority of individuals expressed support for the assault, citing the illegality of engaging in sexual activities with someone without consent under Moroccan law, there were others who took a different stance. They emphasized the importance of respecting the law by immediately involving the authorities rather than resorting to physical aggression. On the other hand, a minority condemned the act entirely, asserting that individuals should have the freedom to make their own choices in private.