Morocco did not provide military support to ukraine: Minister of Foreign Affairs

Morocco did not provide military support to ukraine: Minister of Foreign Affairs

Nasser Bourita
Nasser Bourita, Morocco’s Foreign Minister.

Nasser Bourita, Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, firmly highlighted today Morocco’s neutrality in the Ukraine conflict. He stressed that Morocco is in no way involved in the conflict in Ukraine.

This came amid rumors circulating in international media suggesting Morocco provided Ukraine with American fighter jets.

The minister’s statement came in the wake of an official meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister is currently on an official visit to Morocco.

Bourita drew attention to Morocco’s balanced relations with both Russia and Ukraine and stressed its commitment to promoting a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Referring to various peace proposals, including the initiative by Ukrainian President Volodymyr  Zelensky, Bourita emphasized that these initiatives must stay on course toward achieving peace and should not deviate from this principal goal.

Bourita took the opportunity to restate “Morocco’s consistent position on international disputes,” emphasizing the “Kingdom’s commitment to upholding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” He noted that from the outset of the Ukrainian crisis, Morocco has championed legitimacy and international law, favoring peaceful dialogue over forceful intervention in accordance with pertinent United Nations resolutions.

Addressing the serious potential ramifications of the war, Bourita said, “Morocco is genuinely concerned about this war due to its potential impact on regional security and stability. The economic consequences for various countries, including our Kingdom, should not be overlooked.”