Miri Regev Back to Grandparents’ Land: A Mix of Business, Personal, and...

Miri Regev Back to Grandparents’ Land: A Mix of Business, Personal, and Controversy

Miri Regev in Morocco
Israeli Transport Minister Miri Regev (on the left) with her Moroccan counterpart Mohamed Abdeljalil after signing a series of agreements in Rabat, Morocco, on May 29, 2023.

RABAT- In a trip blending diplomacy with personal roots, Israeli Transport Minister, Miri Regev, embarked on an official visit to Morocco yesterday. The significance of this visit is twofold, not only marking the first trip by an Israeli Transport Minister to the North African nation but also serving as a sentimental journey to the land of her ancestors.

Regev’s visit is not without its fair share of controversy. Several political parties known for their staunch opposition to the normalization of relations with Israel, notably the Democratic Federation of Leftists (FGD), the Party of Progress and Socialism (PPS), and the Justice and Development Party (PJD), have voiced their opposition to the visit. Most of them expressed surprise and concern, emphasizing that they, like many other Moroccans, only discovered the news through media reports at the very last minute.

Today Regev was received by her Moroccan counterpart, Mohammed Abdeljalil, the Minister of Transport and Logistics, where they signed three agreements that covered areas of transport cooperation.

First among them was a mutual recognition of driving licenses, allowing Israelis to drive in Morocco using their Israeli driving licenses, and vice versa. Another significant development focused on fostering direct maritime transport between the two countries, to facilitate smoother trade connections. Lastly, both agreed to enhance collaboration on road safety measures and innovation within the transport sector.

Yesterday Regev announced the visit on her Twitter account, where she excitedly shared, “I arrived in Morocco leading a significant delegation. This is the first visit by an Israeli Transport Minister to Morocco.”

Regev’s trip is also deeply personal. As she penned in another tweet, her connection to Morocco extends beyond her professional role. “On a personal level, my father was born in Morocco and lived a long life in the Kingdom,” she wrote, indicating the deep familial ties she shares with the country.

Adding to the emotive aspect of her visit, Regev plans to pay homage to her roots by lighting a candle at her late grandfather’s grave, marking a touching tribute to her Moroccan heritage.

The Moroccan Times.