Green Morocco Plan Under Fire: PM Targets Former Water Minister

Green Morocco Plan Under Fire: PM Targets Former Water Minister

PM Aziz Akhannouch.

Rabat – The “Green Morocco” plan, which was led by the current Prime Minister, Aziz Akhannouch, during his time serving as the Minister of Agriculture in several coalition governments, is facing backlash due to ongoing water management issues.

In a recent statement, Akhannouch criticized former Water Minister, Charafat Afilal, and other past officials, blaming them for a lack of accountability in the water sector.

His critique pointed to instances such as the one-year delay in launching a water desalination project in Dakhla, aimed to irrigate 5,000 hectares of agricultural land. Akhannouch argued the delay was a result of officials engaging in “empty talk” rather than taking decisive action.

Charafat Afilal countered these accusations, claiming that she was not permitted to evaluate the “Green Morocco Plan” during her term and that any criticism of the plan was met with hostility.

The Secretary General of Afilal’s Progress and Socialism party, Nabil Benabdellah, noted a few days ago that β€œin Morocco, there are two themes that nobody is allowed to talk about or monitor – the fuel theme and the Green Plan, which are considered sacred.”

The Moroccan Times.